Benefits of Raw Turmeric
Fresh turmeric looks like it's been unearthed from the soil of another planet, it's healing powers are truly out of this world. It is a member of the ginger family and has been used for centuries to heal wounds, treat skin conditions, inflammations and infections.
Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric is known to have anti- inflammatory properties that help boost immunity.
You can consume turmeric in the following way :-
→ Grind raw turmeric and boil it with one teaspoon of ghee and have it every morning.
Benefits of eating raw turmeric :-
* Curcumin plays a powerful role in getting and keeping your mood high. It's been shown to enhance brain chemicals such as noradrenaline and serotonin, and increases the production of dopamine, which dictates how we experience both pain and pleasure.
* Scientists discovered that curcumin protected 72 hour sleep deprived mice from the symptoms of sleep deprivation. So basically curcumin influences our sleep.
* Curcumin is known for improving digestion. It triggers bile production and provides relief from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
* Since curcumin has anti - inflammatory properties therefore it helps to cure joint pain, arthritis and any other inflammation in the body.